Attacks the enemy 3 times. Each attack has a 30% chance to decrease the Attack Bar by 30%.
Focused 5 Shots
Attacks the enemy 5 times. Each attack has a 50% chance to remove 1 beneficial effect and inflict Continuous Damage for 1 turn. (Reusable in 4 turns).
Coy Revenge (Passive)
Increases the damage you dealt to enemies on your turn by 15% whenever an ally is attacked. This effect accumulates up to 5 times. When fully accumulated, all harmful effects you have (excluding inability effects) are removed at the start of your turn. The increased damage resets after your attack on your turn. [Automatic Effect]
Grade | 5 | 6 | |
HP | 7020 | 9555 | |
ATK | 509 | 692 | |
DEF | 476 | 648 | |
SPD | 102 | ||
CRIT Rate | 15% | ||
CRIT DMG | 50% | ||
Accuracy | 0% | ||
Resistance | 15% |
Attacks the enemy 3 times. Each attack has a 30% chance to decrease the Attack Bar by 30%.
Focused 5 Shots
Attacks the enemy 5 times. Each attack has a 50% chance to remove 1 beneficial effect and inflict Continuous Damage for 1 turn. (Reusable in 4 turns).
Coy Revenge (Passive)
Increases the damage you dealt to enemies on your turn by 15% whenever an ally is attacked. This effect accumulates up to 5 times. When fully accumulated, all harmful effects you have (excluding inability effects) are removed at the start of your turn. The increased damage resets after your attack on your turn. [Automatic Effect]
Rolling Cannon
Attacks the enemy target with a cannon gun, decreasing its Defense for 1 turn and granting Oblivion for 1 turn, and attacks all enemies to deal damage proportional to the no. of allies alive. This attack won't land as a Glancing Hit. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Grade | 5 | 6 |
HP | 7380 | 10050 |
ATK | 581 | 790 |
DEF | 500 | 681 |
SPD | 103 | |
CRIT Rate | 15% | |
CRIT DMG | 50% | |
Accuracy | 0% | |
Resistance | 15% |