Spear of Protector
Attacks the enemy to decrease the Attack Speed for 2 turns with a 30% chance. The faster your Attack Speed compared to the enemy's, the greater damage you can inflict.
Fast Spear Throw
The faster your Attack Speed, the greater the damage becomes. Attacks the enemy to decrease the enemy's Attack Bar by 25% and increase your Attack Bar by 25% for each harmful effect granted on the target. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Revengeful Thought (Passive)
Grade | 5 | 6 |
HP | 7140 | 9720 |
ATK | 622 | 845 |
DEF | 476 | 648 |
SPD | 108 | |
CRIT Rate | 15% | |
CRIT DMG | 50% | |
Accuracy | 25% | |
Resistance | 15% |