Attacks the enemy to remove 1 beneficial effect granted on the target with a 15% chance and decreases its Attack Power for 2 turns with a 50% chance.
Dancing Star
Attacks all enemies 2 times. The first attack installs a bomb that detonates after 2 turns with a 90% chance, and the second attack stuns all enemies for 1 turn with a 30% chance. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Metamorphosis (Passive)
Whenever you grant harmful effects on the enemy with your skill, you grant yourself Shield, Immunity, or Counterattack for 2 turns each if the effect is not already applied to yourself. In addition, decreases the cooldown of [Dancing Star] by 1 turn if you have 2 or more beneficial effects after the turn ends. [Automatic Effect]
Grade | 5 | 6 |
HP | 8955 | 12180 |
ATK | 557 | 758 |
DEF | 420 | 571 |
SPD | 100 | |
CRIT Rate | 15% | |
CRIT DMG | 50% | |
Accuracy | 0% | |
Resistance | 15% |