Attacks the enemy 2 times to inflict damage in proportion to your Attack Speed. Each hit increases the chances of landing a Glancing Hit for 2 turns with a 30% chance.
Charge Attack
Attacks the enemy to inflict damage that ignores its Defense up to 100% according to the difference between the target's and your Attack Speed. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Teleportation Slash
Attacks all enemies 2 times, with each hit decreasing their Attack Speed for 2 turns. Afterwards, increases your Attack Bar by 35% in proportion to the number of enemies with slower Attack Speed than you. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Grade | 5 | 6 |
HP | 7500 | 10215 |
ATK | 646 | 878 |
DEF | 428 | 582 |
SPD | 121 | |
CRIT Rate | 15% | |
CRIT DMG | 50% | |
Accuracy | 0% | |
Resistance | 15% |