Magic Arrow
Attacks the enemy with a magical arrow and decreases the Defense for 2 turns if you have an advantageous attribute and decreases the Attack Power for 2 turns if the attribute is the same. Stuns the target for 1 turn if you have an disadvantageous attribute. The damage increases by 15% for each harmful effect on the enemy.
Light Arrow
Attacks with an arrow that's lightning fast. The damage increases according to Attack Speed. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Critical Arrow
Attacks the enemy with powerful magic arrows to stun and decrease the target's Defense for 2 turns with a 60% chance each. After attacking, recovers a turn instantly if the enemy is not stunned. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Grade | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
HP | 4815 | 6540 | 8895 | |
ATK | 386 | 525 | 714 | |
DEF | 273 | 371 | 505 | |
SPD | 104 | |||
CRIT Rate | 15% | |||
CRIT DMG | 50% | |||
Accuracy | 0% | |||
Resistance | 15% |
Magic Arrow
Attacks the enemy with a magical arrow and decreases the Defense for 2 turns if you have an advantageous attribute and decreases the Attack Power for 2 turns if the attribute is the same. Stuns the target for 1 turn if you have an disadvantageous attribute. The damage increases by 15% for each harmful effect on the enemy.
Light Arrow
Attacks with an arrow that's lightning fast. The damage increases according to Attack Speed. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Critical Arrow
Attacks the enemy with powerful magic arrows to stun and decrease the target's Defense for 2 turns with a 60% chance each. After attacking, recovers a turn instantly if the enemy is not stunned. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Grade | 4 | 5 | 6 |
HP | 5610 | 7635 | 10380 |
ATK | 475 | 646 | 878 |
DEF | 220 | 299 | 406 |
SPD | 105 | ||
CRIT Rate | 30% | ||
CRIT DMG | 50% | ||
Accuracy | 0% | ||
Resistance | 15% |