Ellunia Remains - High Elemental


MonsterStarsLevelHPAttackDefenseSpeedResistanceAccuracyCritical RateCritical Damage Reduction
Wave 1Medium Crystal (Light)552117601064496713540200
Small Crystal (Light)552105901170432693540200
Medium Crystal (Light)552117601064496713540200
Small Crystal (Light)552105901170432693540200
Medium Crystal (Light)552117601064496713540200
Wave 2Medium Crystal (Light)552135451116521713540200
Medium Crystal (Light)552135451116521713540200
Wave 3Boss 하이엘리멘탈 2차 각성 보스(빛) (Light)555604801281809793520200
2차각성 하이엘리멘탈 수정_왼쪽(빛) (Light)55530450931432763550200
2차각성 하이엘리멘탈 수정_오른쪽(빛) (Light)55530450931432813550200

  • Date Range: 11/01/2023 - 07/26/2024
  • 351 records
  • 335 unique contributors

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DropChanceQuantityAvg. Per 100
Mana Mana 100.000%2121 - 8583461695.442
Crystal Crystal 4.274%14.274
Ancient Magic Stone Ancient Magic Stone 42.450%5 - 9317.094
Ellunia's Rune Ore Ellunia's Rune Ore 41.026%2 - 4110.256
Ancient Magic Origin Ancient Magic Origin 16.239%1 - 334.188

Clear time

  • Best: 0:00:13.782000
  • Average: 0:00:37.255889