Khalderun Remains - Living Armor


MonsterStarsLevelHPAttackDefenseSpeedResistanceAccuracyCritical RateCritical Damage Reduction
Wave 1Medium Crystal (Light)6722022018289091125050350
Medium Crystal (Light)6721821020127931085050350
Medium Crystal (Light)6722022018289091125050350
Medium Crystal (Light)6721821020127931085050350
Medium Crystal (Light)6722022018289091125050350
Wave 2Medium Crystal (Light)6722329519209551085050350
Medium Crystal (Light)6722329519209551085050350
Wave 3Boss 리빙 아머 2차 각성 보스(빛) (Light)67592400198018481205075350
2차각성 리빙 아머 수정_왼쪽(빛) (Light)6755391016507921245075350
2차각성 리빙 아머 수정_오른쪽(빛) (Light)6755391016507921285075350

  • Date Range: 07/13/2024 - 07/26/2024
  • 4153 records
  • 71 unique contributors

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Reports with big enough sample size may take some time to generate, please be patient.



DropChanceQuantityAvg. Per 100
Mana Mana 100.000%5301 - 14022683782.976
Crystal Crystal 4.262%1 - 34.406
Ancient Magic Stone Ancient Magic Stone 44.570%22 - 261064.772
Khalderun's Rune Ore Khalderun's Rune Ore 35.228%9 - 13366.940
Ancient Magic Origin Ancient Magic Origin 20.202%4 - 6100.024

Clear time

  • Best: 0:00:16.497000
  • Average: 0:01:14.570140