Lumel Remains - Martial Cat


MonsterStarsLevelHPAttackDefenseSpeedResistanceAccuracyCritical RateCritical Damage Reduction
Wave 1Medium Crystal (Light)54211085998310612535100
Small Crystal (Light)5429990948299572535100
Medium Crystal (Light)54211085998310612535100
Small Crystal (Light)5429990948299572535100
Medium Crystal (Light)54211085998310612535100
Wave 2Medium Crystal (Light)542116401046325612535100
Xiao Ling54211970874311602535100
Xiao Ling54211970874311602535100
Medium Crystal (Light)542116401046325612535100
Wave 3Boss Martial Cat 2A (Light)54553340109977458255100
Tower (Light)54525920886349652535100
Tower (Light)54525920783349602535100

  • Date Range: 11/01/2023 - 07/25/2024
  • 245 records
  • 244 unique contributors

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DropChanceQuantityAvg. Per 100
Mana Mana 100.000%1930 - 8303408399.592
Crystal Crystal 5.306%15.306
Ancient Magic Stone Ancient Magic Stone 42.449%3 - 7211.020
Lumel's Rune Ore Lumel's Rune Ore 35.102%1 - 364.082
Ancient Magic Origin Ancient Magic Origin 22.041%1 - 233.469

Clear time

  • Best: 0:00:11.887000
  • Average: 0:00:33.857392