Hall of Light


MonsterStarsLevelHPAttackDefenseSpeedResistanceAccuracyCritical RateCritical Damage Reduction
Wave 1Golem (Light)371245601519013000
Golem (Light)371245601519013000
Golem (Light)371245601519013000
Wave 2Golem (Light)491785872189013000
Small Crystal (Pure)194354144810022000
Small Crystal (Pure)194354144810022000
Golem (Light)491785872189013000
Wave 3Boss Keeper of Light (Light)31021751621428515000
Tower (Pure)110465062626015000
Tower (Pure)110325562626015000

  • Date Range: 11/01/2023 - 07/26/2024
  • 1167 records
  • 217 unique contributors

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Reports with big enough sample size may take some time to generate, please be patient.



DropChanceQuantityAvg. Per 100
Mana Mana 100.000%530 - 2844131711.397
Energy Energy 42.245%1 - 455.184
Crystal Crystal 2.999%12.999
Shapeshifting Stone Shapeshifting Stone 0.257%2 - 30.686
Unknown Scroll Unknown Scroll 30.677%392.031
Summoning Stone Summoning Stone 1.028%1 - 31.971
Mystical Scroll Mystical Scroll 0.686%10.686
Light Low Essence Light Low Essence 46.444%1 - 361.611
Light Mid Essence Light Mid Essence 15.424%1 - 317.823
Light High Essence Light High Essence 1.799%1 - 21.885
Rainbowmon 0.4%
White Angelmon
White Angelmon 1.5%
Light Bearman Secret Dungeon 0.1%
Light Cow Girl Secret Dungeon 0.3%
Light Howl Secret Dungeon 0.2%
Light Imp Secret Dungeon 0.3%
Light Pixie Secret Dungeon 0.3%
Light Salamander Secret Dungeon 0.3%
Light Viking Secret Dungeon 0.2%
Light Yeti Secret Dungeon 0.3%

Clear time

  • Best: 0:00:06.769000
  • Average: 0:00:12.410319