Sept. 7, 2024

SWARFARM shifts to Bestiary Only

Hey guys, QuatZo here – I’ve been the only developer working on SWARFARM since early 2021. Some of you might also remember me from SWStats. Unfortunately, I’ve got some bad news – SWARFARM’s going to be scaled back, and only the Bestiary feature will remain. The account management, profile sharing, and game log collection features will all be removed, and with them, all user accounts and data. The login option will disappear, and the Bestiary will be the main (and only) feature available. Below is more information about this decision and some history on the platform.

I don’t remember much from the time when Porksmash was managing SWARFARM, so I’ll start from October 2020, when he announced that he was stepping down and looking for someone to take over the project. I decided to do it because I had the technical skills, was an active Summoners War player, and used SWARFARM regularly to manage my account more effectively. I was also running SWStats, a tool used on the official Summoners War Discord, which helped players find popular builds for monsters via a bot. This gave me the confidence to take over, and by December 2020, I was officially in charge.

Things were going fine until September 2021, when my life changed drastically, forcing me to step away from both Summoners War and third-party apps like SWARFARM and SWStats. For SWARFARM, I kept the Bestiary up to date, but SWStats was left abandoned. I thought I’d come back to the game and the projects at some point, but it turns out life had other plans.

By early 2022, things calmed down a bit, so I thought it was time to get back into it... but I had lost interest in the game. Although I couldn’t get back into Summoners War, I still felt like I owed it to the SWARFARM community to keep things running. I tried to make some progress but found myself lacking the motivation needed for real development. The only big feature planned was merging SWARFARM with SWStats, but as you know, that never happened. In April 2022, I officially shut down SWStats so I could focus on SWARFARM.

Months went by, and in June 2023, Com2us announced the "Reloaded" update (v8.0.0). Usually, when a new update dropped, I’d hear from streamers and developers, which gave me the push to return to working on SWARFARM. I knew how much players relied on it, and that tools like SWOP and SWGT depended on our API. For the next three months, I worked on improving the platform, adding new filters to reports, new rune sets (like Intangible), and finally, the long-awaited RTA section.

By the end of 2023, I re-engaged with the player community. I had mostly been in touch with content creators and developers, but a year ago, I felt ready to start working on the app again. You can find posts from September 2023 on the SWARFARM homepage, where I shared updates about the platform, future plans, and priorities. The last update was on September 12. Two days later, on September 14, Com2us rolled out v8.0.9, which included "security enhancements" that unfortunately disrupted third-party tools like SWEX (for collecting data), SWGT, and SWARFARM (for aggregating that data). This completely killed my motivation. All the drive I had to keep working on SWARFARM was gone. We waited about a month and a half (if the dates aren’t exact, forgive me – I’m referencing posts from the SWARFARM homepage) for a fix for SWEX, which came in v8.1.2. However, not everything was fully restored – some data, like boss stats, remained inaccessible. I lost my remaining motivation and reverted to just keeping the platform running.

After discussing things with Porksmash (the creator of SWARFARM who still funds the servers through Patreon), we agreed that neither of us has the time to keep supporting the platform. We can’t keep up with all the game updates – I learn about them from people like Cerusa or Seiishizo. As a result, we’ve decided that, at some point (I’m not sure exactly when, as it depends on my schedule), SWARFARM will be scaled back to just the Bestiary. All user data will be deleted, and only administrative accounts will remain.

Also, the Patreon will be closed. On behalf of both myself and Porksmash, I want to thank all of you for your support. All funds have gone toward keeping the server running, and we never made a profit from the project. We’ll be switching to a cheaper and faster server (finally moving from HDD to SSD), as we no longer need such a large infrastructure. 90% of the database was made up of log files.

I’m sorry things have ended this way, but life happens.

All the best to the community and the game.

 Nov. 3, 2020

Discord server for organizing development

I've created a discord server for people interested in contributing code to SWARFARM. This will be where development efforts are organized, and an easy place to answer questions and share my experience in the codebase. If you're interested, first take a look through the repo on GitHub and get yourself set up with a development environment. If you want to work on something, join the Discord server to discuss it and/or ask questions.

I'd really love to get a small core group of people who can continue to develop SWARFARM into the future. If you're interested in taking on this role, please join the join the Discord server and send a message to porksmash#1344.

Dec. 1, 2023

Changes after v8.1.5 Update

  • Bestiary and skill effects updated w/ new balance patch
  • Moved from old Building system to new Skill Level system (re-import your profile if you are missing monster stats)
  • Deleted references to old Building system (building tab, option to edit and calculate missing points, building comparison between users, etc.)
  • Added intangible artifacts
  • Optimized data log collection (at least 3x faster)

In addition, Com2us changed the way of getting (and informing) dungeon data from the server, at the start of the run. It means that we are no longer able to get the boss stats from GB, DB, SB, ... As of now, dimensional hole, raid and rift still collects that. I'll investigate it further, but at the first glance I didn't see any command that could contain that type of data.

Nov. 14, 2023

Cease of archiving logs

Because of incoming v8.1.4 update & overall drop rate improvements, I've decided to temporarily disable task responsible for archiving 2-week old data logs. Thanks to this, you will be able to compare old drop rates to new ones. It means that latest data log you can check, will be from 1st November.

As mentioned before, the ability to check archived logs will be available in new SWARFARM version (in progress).

Oct. 27, 2023

Status of SWARFARM after update v8.1.2

With today's patch, there were some changes related to 3rd party tools, which resulted in the SWEX ability to collect data as before the v8.0.9 update. It means that we are collecting data logs again.

On the side note, I've archived all data logs before v8.1.2 update. The archive will be browseable in new version.